Youth Announcements 2/22/23

Good morning!

Please see the following: 

1) TONIGHT- we have our Willow Brooke ministry, please plan to meet at the church at 5:45pm. YES Groups to follow at 7pm and HBBI resumes this week at 7:30pm. 

2) Our next SNAC Attack is THIS Sunday, 2/26 following the evening service from 7:30–9:00pm. We are asking everyone to bring your Favorite Food for the evening! 

3) Our 2023 youth group t-shirts are in! I'll have them tonight. Reminder: short sleeve are $12 and long sleeve are $16. Cash or checks made out to Harvest, please. 

4) Our Ultimate Dodgeball Tournament is only 2 weeks away! Be working to get your team together! Here are the team requirements: Only 2 Harvest teens/team and at least 2 girls on each team. I will have flyers for you to give out tonight. 

See you tonight!
Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 2/15/23

Good morning!

Hope you're having a good week. Please see the following: 

1) YES Groups tonight starting at 7pm! Verses: Deuteronomy 7:21 & Psalm 56:3–4. 

2) This Sunday afternoon (2/19), I'll begin meeting with any teen guys interested in preaching at the Youth Service on Sunday, April 30. We will meet at 4pm on Sunday afternoons. 

3) Girls' Bible study is this coming Monday evening, 2/20 starting at 7pm at our house. Let Danielle know if you have any questions. 

4) Our next SNAC Attack is Sunday, 2/26 following the evening service from 7:30–9:00pm. We are asking everyone to bring your Favorite Food for the evening! 

5) During the week of our Evangelistic Meetings, we will be hosting an Ultimate Dodgeball Tournament here at the church. The event is Thursday, March 9 starting at 5pm. See attached for details and be thinking about who you can invite!


Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 2/1/23

Good morning,

Happy February! Hope you're having a good week. Please see the following: 

1) YES Groups tonight starting at 7:00pm! Review week for verses. 

2) Our "Big Game Party" is Sunday, February 12 following the evening service at the Harrison's. The church van is now available, so Pastor Marshall will be driving it to the Harrisons (Danielle and I will be at the Counseling Conference). We will provide pizza, and plan to bring your favorite gametime food as well. Parents, your teens can be picked up at the Harrison's at any time during the game or following the game back at the church. 

3) We have our first Mission Trip meeting for our San Francisco mission trip THIS Sunday, February 5 following the evening service. I plan to meet in the Truth Trackers room. 

TODAY is the final day for the Early Bird discount at the Wilds ($30 discount). If you are planning to go to camp, please try to have your registration and $50 deposit to me by tonight. 

See you tonight!

Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 1.25.23

Good morning,

Hope everyone is having a great week. Please see the following updates: 

1) YES Groups tonight starting at 7:00pm! We also have our Willow Brooke outreach tonight; please plan to meet at the church at 5:45pm if you are able to attend. 

2) SNAC Attack of the Pizza is this Sunday evening, January 29. Hope you can make it and bring a friend!

3) Our "Big Game Party" is Sunday, February 12 following the evening service at the Harrison's. The church van is now available, so Pastor Marshall will be driving it to the Harrisons (Danielle and I will be at the Counseling Conference). Plan to bring your favorite gametime food as well. Parents, your teens can be picked up at the Harrison's at any time during the game or following the game at the church. 

4) We have our first Mission Trip meeting for our San Francisco mission trip next Sunday, February 5 following the evening service. 

Last, but certainly not least, camp at The Wilds: Time is winding down for the early bird special (ends February 1, $30 discount). If you are planning to go to camp, please try to have your registration and $50 deposit to me by this Sunday, January 29 to secure your spot. 


Youth Announcements 1/18/23


Please read and heed the following: 

1) YES Groups tonight at 7pm. Verses: John 15:7 & Matthew 21:22. Remember that HBBI begins tonight, 7:30-8:30pm. 

2) We have Friday Night Game Night this Friday evening at the Manning's from 7–9pm. Please plan to bring a snack/dessert/game to share and let me know if you need the address.

3) Our next ministry outreach to Willow Brooke Court nursing facility is next Wednesday evening, 1/25. Please plan to meet at the church at 5:45pm. 

4) Our first SNAC Attack of the year is Sunday, January 29. Bring a friend! Please see attached for details. 

5) Our "Big Game Party" is Sunday, February 12 following the evening service at the Harrison's. Please let us know if you will need transportation from the church as the church van will be unavailable. We have a few other minivans available, but we will need to arrange transportation. Plan to bring your favorite gametime food as well. Parents, your teens can be picked up at any time during the game or following the game at the church. 

6) We have our first Mission Trip meeting for our San Francisco mission trip on February 5 following the evening service. 

See you tonight!

Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 1/11/23

Good morning!

I hope you're having a good week. Please see the following: 

1) YES Groups tonight starting at 7pm. Memory verses for this week: John 14:13 & 1 Peter 5:7. 

2) Our next HBBI class, Practical Church Leadership, starts next week, 1/18. You can sign up here. If you are planning to go on the mission trip this summer to San Francisco, attending and passing a HBBI course is required. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

3) The ice skating activity at the Pineville Ice House is this Friday, January 13. The open skate is from 7:45-11pm that evening; we will plan to skate from 7:45 until about 9:45pm. This should put us back to the church between 10:15-10:30. We will meet at the church at 6:00pm and plan to stop at Chick Fil A on our way up to Pineville. Cost for skating is $15 and includes rental skates. Please let me know if you are planning to attend so we can arrange transportation.

4) Our next Friday Night Game Night is the following Friday, January 20 at the Manning's home from 7–9pm. Please plan to bring a snack/dessert/game to share and let me know if you need the address. 

5) Our first SNAC Attack of the year is Sunday, January 29. Bring a friend! Please see attached for details. 

6) Mark your calendars: our "Big Game" Party is Sunday, February 12 following the evening service at the Harrison's. Stay tuned for details. 

See you tonight!

Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 1/4/23

Good morning and Happy New Year!

Trust everyone had a great holiday and is getting re-acclimated to real life again :). 

1) YES Groups resume tonight at 7:00pm! Verses: Jeremiah 29:12–13, 1 John 5:14. 

2) Our next HBBI class, Practical Church Leadership, is starting January 18 (2 weeks out). You can sign up here. If you are planning to go on the mission trip this summer to San Francisco, attending and passing a HBBI course is required. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

3) The ice skating activity at the Pineville Ice House is coming up next Friday, January 13. The open skate is from 7:45-11pm that evening; we will plan to skate from 7:45 until about 9:45pm. This should put us back to the church between 10:15-10:30. We will meet at the church at 6:00pm and plan to stop at Chick Fil A on our way up to Pineville. Cost for skating is $15 and includes rental skates. Please let me know if you are planning to attend so we can arrange transportation. 

4) Our next Friday Night Game Night is the following Friday, January 20 at the Manning's home from 7–9pm. Please plan to bring a snack/dessert/game to share and let me know if you need the address. 

5) Mark your calendar: our first SNAC Attack of the new year is Sunday, January 29 following the evening service. 

See you tonight!

Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 12/28/22

Good morning,

I hope you and your families all had a very Merry Christmas! A few announcements for you:

1) No YES Groups or Truth Trackers tonight. Everyone will be combined in the auditorium for prayer time and Bible study. Regular YES groups will resume next week. 

2) Our next HBBI class, Practical Church Leadership, is starting January 18. You can sign up here. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

3) A few upcoming events to keep on your radar: 

  • Friday PM, January 13: Ice skating in Pineville. Cost is $15. More details to follow. 

  • Friday PM, January 20: Friday Night Game Night at the Manning's. 

  • Sunday, January 29: SNAC Attack


Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 12/14/22

Good morning,

Hope you're all having a good week! A few announcements:

1) YES Groups tonight at 7:00pm. Verses: Acts 4:12 & John 14:6

2) This coming Sunday (12/18), we are singing "A Star" in the morning service. Here is a link to the song. Please plan to arrive by 9:15 Sunday morning for our sound check and practice. 

3) Thanks to all who came out for the Christmas party last Friday night. I've posted a few pictures on our Facebook page for your enjoyment. :) 

See you tonight!

Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 12/7/22

Good morning,

A HUGE thank you to all of you who worked so hard at the Christmas Banquet this year. Between singing, serving, and drama-ing, you all certainly had your hands full. Your service did not go unnoticed, and it is greatly appreciated!

A few things of note:

1) YES Groups tonight starting at 7pm! Verses: 2 Cor. 5:21 & Isaiah 53:6.

2) Also TONIGHT, we will be meeting at 5:30pm at the church to go sing Christmas carols over at Willow Brooke nursing home. I hope you can make it!

3) Our Youth Christmas Party is THIS Friday night from 6-9pm here at the church. Don't forget your white elephant gift and Hawaiian shirt!

See you tonight!

Youth Announcements 11/23/22

Good morning,

Hope your Thanksgiving week is off to a great start. Please see the following:

1) No services tonight.

2) If you are serving in the Christmas Banquet, please plan to stay for a short training meeting following church next Wednesday evening (11/30).

3) As I mentioned in Sunday School, we are thankful to be starting back at Willow Brooke (nursing home at Park Pointe Village)! We will do Christmas caroling there on Wednesday, December 7. Please plan to meet at the church at 5:30pm. We will resume regular monthly outreaches there in the new year.

4) Here is a link to the song the teen choir will be singing at the Christmas Banquet (12/3). We will also sing it on Sunday morning, December 18. Jolly Jenna said we will sing it at about 1.25x speed of the recording. Please listen to the song at least 5 times this week.

5) Our Youth Christmas Party is quickly approaching on Friday, December 9 from 6–9pm here at the church.

6) The deadline for our Youth Group t-shirt design contest is Sunday, December 4. You can start from scratch, or you can start here. Please include "2023" and "HBC Youth" or "Harvest Baptist Youth" somewhere on the t-shirt. "1 Peter 4:10" and "Equipped for Service" would also be great. The winner will receive a FREE t-shirt.

Danielle and I are incredibly thankful for all of you. We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving celebrating God's goodness.

Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 11/16/22

Good morning,

Please see the following important announcements regarding upcoming events:

1) YES Groups tonight starting at 7pm! Verses: 1 John 4:9 & Romans 5:8

2) Here is a link to the song the teen choir will be singing at the Christmas Banquet (12/3). We will also sing it on Sunday morning, December 18. Jolly Jenna said we will sing it at about 1.25x speed of the recording. As she mentioned on Sunday, please listen to the song at least 5 times this week.

3) The Youth Rally at Bible Baptist in Fort Mill is this Saturday, November 19. We will meet at the church at 9:15 Saturday morning. The event runs from 10a-5p, so we should be back to Harvest around 5:15-5:30. Payment: Please bring cash or a check made out to Bible Baptist Church. Lunch is included. If you haven't already, please register here and let me know you are planning to attend.

4) Our Youth Christmas Party is quickly approaching on Friday, December 9 from 6–9pm here at the church. Mark your calendars!

5) I'm very excited to announce that it is once again time for our T-shirt design contest! You can start from scratch, or you can start here. Please include "2023" and "HBC Youth" or "Harvest Baptist Youth" somewhere on the t-shirt. "1 Peter 4:10" and "Equipped for Service" would also be great. The deadline to submit a design will be Sunday, December 4. The winner will receive a FREE t-shirt.

See you tonight,


Youth Announcements 3/31/21

Good morning,

Please see the following announcements:

1) YES Groups tonight at 7:00pm.

2) Our next Friday Night Game Night will be April 9 from 7–9pm at the Smith's home. Please bring a snack/dessert/game to share and let me know if you need the address.

3) ALCATRAZ is only 5 weeks away! Please be inviting friends; let me know if you need any flyers.

4) Big dates coming up:

  • VBS Training Day- Saturday, May 1

  • Youth Service (PM)- Sunday, May 2

  • ALCATRAZ 2021- Friday, May 7

5) This Sunday, we will have combined SS in the auditorium with Skip Tilton speaking for us!



ALCATRAZ 2021.jpg

Youth Announcements 1/27/21

Good morning,

You can check out our Facebook page for some pictures from SNAC Attack Sunday night.

Please see the following important announcements:

1) YES Groups tonight at 7:00!

2) MIssion Trip Meeting: If you (or your teen) is at all interested or considering the mission trip to Hampton, Virginia this summer, please plan to attend a short informational meeting this Sunday evening (1/31) following the evening service.

3) Please continue to turn in your Wilds registrations for this summer. I have attached the registration form. As a reminder, the early-bird deadline is 3/1.

4) Our "Big Game" Party is just around the corner on February 7 following the evening service. We have our regular 6pm service, then we will head straight to our house to watch the game. Bring food/snacks to share with the group! I will drive the church van to our house for those who need transportation (also keep in mind we have limited parking at our house).


Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 9/30/20

1) YES Groups tonight at 7:00pm! 

2) Mother/Daughter Bible Study: I'm happy to announce that we will soon be starting a Mother/Daughter Bible study meeting every other Monday night. Mitzi Onessi will be leading a study on Lies Young Women Believe at their home. She will be using both the book and the study guide. If it's easier for me to order the books and you reimburse the church, that's fine too. Please let me know. We will announce a starting date for the Bible study next week. 

3) Youth Retreat: We are planning a one-night Youth Retreat October 23-24. I have reserved two (separate) "primitive" campsites for the night. Cost is $12/camper. We will provide dinner Friday night and breakfast Saturday morning. This will be a discipleship-focused retreat: I plan to have a session Friday night and Saturday morning in addition to activities, including a hike. PLEASE LET ME KNOW BY SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND. This will give us adequate time to plan meals, transportation, etc. 

4) T-shirt update: If you ordered a 2020 Youth t-shirt, please pick it up by the end of this month (by tonight). If you have not gotten it by the end of the month, we will possibly give it to someone else who would like it. Also, if you did not order a T-shirt but would like one, please let me know what size and we'll see what we can do. 

5) With our Missions Conference next week, we will not have YES groups next Wednesday. Also, we will have a special missionary speaker in Sunday School on October 11! 



Youth Update 3/18/20

Hi guys!

I've attached a quick video update on what's going on specifically as it pertains to the youth group. The youth ministry is going to look a little different over the next few weeks, but we are still here and want to serve you and your family however we can. 

A few highlights from the video:

1) I would like to get some feedback from you all on what time of day/day works best for you to do a live Zoom Bible study. At this point I'm thinking weekly on Wednesday evenings about 8:00pm (starting next week). Please let me know if a particular time of day is better for you. 

Also, Zoom requires downloading an app on your phone or computer. It should happen automatically when you go to join our first meeting, but it would be helpful to have it ahead of time. Please go here to download the correct application for your device.

2) If you would like to be a part of our Adopt a Harvest Grandparent program (see video for details), please let me know! I would love to get this off the ground by the end of the week. 

3) We will also be starting our Girls/Guys Bible study next Monday evening. We will meet in separate buildings at the church. Guys will meet in the Hansen building starting at 6:45pm, and girls will meet in the Welcome Center starting at 7:00pm. 

We want to hear from you! Like I said in the video, we're still  here and we want to continue to serve you. Please let us know if there's anything your family needs. 


Youth Announcements 1/22/20

Good morning, 

Please see the following announcements: 

1) YES Groups tonight at 7pm! 

2) Quick reminder: HBBI started this past Wednesday. If you are thinking about going on the mission trip, you should plan to be in HBBI tonight. It's not too late to get started. You can register for HBBI here.

3) This coming Sunday (1/26), we will have a combined Sunday School/Fellowship with the adults in the Hansen Building.

4) Mark your calendars for our "Big Game" Party on February 2 following the (5pm) evening service! Bring some food to share with the group! 

5) The Wilds early-bird deadline is next week! Please do your very best to get your registrations to me this week (with $50 registration fee). February 1 is the last day to register without being affected by the camp price increase for this year. ($365 vs. $330 early bird) I've attached the registration form. Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 1/15/20

Good morning,

Hope everyone is having a great week! 

1- Looking forward to YES Groups tonight at 7pm! 

2- SNAC is this Sunday night! Hope you can bring a friend and your best donut/PopTart creations! (friends are more important, but both would be good) See attached. 

3- Our 2020 Youth t-shirt deadline has passed. I will have the concepts tonight for everyone to vote on! 

4- Mark your calendars for our "Big Game" Party on February 2 following the (5pm) evening service! Bring some food to share with the group! 

See you tonight!


Youth Announcements 12/4/19

Good morning,

Several important announcements this morning:

1) Willow Brooke is tonight! Please plan to meet at the church at 5:30. YES Groups to follow at 7pm.

2) Servers for the Christmas Banquet: if you are helping serve at the Christmas Banquet this year (Dec. 14), please plan to stick around for a few minutes after church tonight to meet and practice for the banquet. We will meet in the 300 building at 8:15.

3) Our summer youth mission trip in 2020 will be to Antigua, July 22-August 1. We will have our first mission trip meeting on Sunday, January 5 following the evening service. This is an informational meeting for parents and teens.

4) CAMP! It's hard to believe we're talking about summer already, but I would like to get some campers registered for Week 4 (June 22-27) so we can secure our spot. Please fill out the registration form attached and submit to me with $50 deposit. Please keep in mind that the early-bird discount ($35) ends February 1.

Thanks and see you tonight!

Pastor Drew