Youth Announcements 11/16/22

Good morning,

Please see the following important announcements regarding upcoming events:

1) YES Groups tonight starting at 7pm! Verses: 1 John 4:9 & Romans 5:8

2) Here is a link to the song the teen choir will be singing at the Christmas Banquet (12/3). We will also sing it on Sunday morning, December 18. Jolly Jenna said we will sing it at about 1.25x speed of the recording. As she mentioned on Sunday, please listen to the song at least 5 times this week.

3) The Youth Rally at Bible Baptist in Fort Mill is this Saturday, November 19. We will meet at the church at 9:15 Saturday morning. The event runs from 10a-5p, so we should be back to Harvest around 5:15-5:30. Payment: Please bring cash or a check made out to Bible Baptist Church. Lunch is included. If you haven't already, please register here and let me know you are planning to attend.

4) Our Youth Christmas Party is quickly approaching on Friday, December 9 from 6–9pm here at the church. Mark your calendars!

5) I'm very excited to announce that it is once again time for our T-shirt design contest! You can start from scratch, or you can start here. Please include "2023" and "HBC Youth" or "Harvest Baptist Youth" somewhere on the t-shirt. "1 Peter 4:10" and "Equipped for Service" would also be great. The deadline to submit a design will be Sunday, December 4. The winner will receive a FREE t-shirt.

See you tonight,
