Youth Announcements 1/15/25

Good morning, 

Hope you are staying warm and well. Please see the following: 

  1. We have our Friday Night Game Night this Friday night at the Manning residence from 7-9pm. Bring a game and a snack to share. Please let me know if you need the address. 

  2. The Wilds! We are planning to go July 21–26, 2025 (Will Galkin). I've attached the registration form for this year. Please note the following reminder on the process: All registrations need to come directly to me; please do not register your camper online. I will register each camper as part of our group. The registration fee is $50 (cash or check made out to Harvest and also given directly to me). I also have registration forms printed in my office if you would like one.  Please let me know if you have any questions. 

  3. Our Progressive Dinner is coming up quickly on January 31. If you are interested in hosting a "course" of the meal, please let me know ASAP. (We have one spot remaining)

  4. Mark your calendar: our "Big Game" party is February 9 following the evening service at the Harrison's!


Pastor Drew

Youth Announcements 9/4/19

Good morning and happy September! Hard to believe the summer has ended and school has started! With that, things are getting very busy around here again. So please take note of the following:

1) We start YES Groups back up again TONIGHT at 7pm. Looking forward to a great school year.

2) SNAC is this Sunday night (9/8) after church. Please bring a snack/dessert to share. Drinks are provided. Parents, we'll finish up right around 9pm. Bring a friend!

3) Guys, our Father/Son Bible study will be starting again on 9/8. This fall, we will be studying the book Disciplines of a Godly Man by Kent Hughes. Go ahead and order the book and we'll discuss the first chapter on 9/8. We will meet Sunday afternoons at 4pm.

4) Next Wednesday (9/11), we'll have our first Willow Brooke outreach of the school year. Please plan to meet at the church at 5:30.

5) Also next Wednesday, our HBBI class begins at 7:30pm (following YES Groups). This semester we're studying Doctrines IV (the Church and Last Things). Please sign up in the Welcome Center ASAP. Class will run 7:30-8:30 Wednesday evenings.

6) Girls' Bible Study begins on Monday, September 16 from 7:00-8:30 at our home (4109 Pennington Rd.). The topic this semester will be how to handle emotions biblically.

7) Parents, please remember we have our first Equipping Meeting after the evening service on 9/22. This will be a short (about 20 min) meeting designed to suggest resources and help think through topics related to your teens.

Pastor Drew