Weekly Schedule
Sunday | |
Sunday School | 9:45am |
Morning Worship | 11:00am |
Evening Worship | 6:00pm |
Wednesday | |
Prayer and Bible Study | 7:00pm |
Truth Trackers (K4-6th Grade) & Youth Group (7th-12th Grade) | 7:00pm |
What to Expect
By now you may be considering a personal visit to Harvest, but are still a little unsure what to expect. Going anywhere for the first time can be intimidating, so we’ve included answers to some common questions below. We want to make your visit as enjoyable as possible!
Where do I go?
Our church is located at 153 Miller Pond Rd. Rock Hill, SC 29732. Visitor parking is on the left of our upper parking lot, near the main doors. When you enter the vestibule, our greeters and ushers will be ready to help you find anything you need, including our nursery, children’s church, and Sunday school classes.
What are your services like?
For those who struggle with their hearing, stop by the sound booth in the back of the auditorium to borrow a hearing assistance unit.
Everything we do at Harvest, including our worship services, is designed to glorify God and build up believers. During each service, you’ll have the opportunity to join us in singing uplifting music with time-honored messages (hymnals are located under the seats in front of you for your convenience.) You’ll also enjoy hearing special music from our choir, ensembles, soloists, and orchestra. Here at Harvest, we consider the most important part of each service to be the preaching of God’s Word. You can expect to hear truths from the Bible that are applicable to your everyday life and necessary for your spiritual growth. If you need a Bible, please help yourself to one from the table at the back of the sanctuary. To get an even better idea of what Sundays at Harvest are like, watch one of our services online.
What's available for my kids?
We have Sunday school classes for all ages, beginning with our two- and three-year-olds. Nurseries are available during each service for children from birth to three years, and children’s church is available during the morning service for four- and five-year-olds. If you prefer to keep your child with you, the overflow room at the back of the sanctuary is specifically designed for young families to participate in the service. On Wednesday evenings, our Truth Trackers and Youth Group help both kids and teens learn to enjoy studying God’s Word.
What should I wear?
You are our guest and we will be delighted to see you however you are dressed. If you are unsure what to wear, just keep in mind that church is where we meet and worship the Lord, so you will usually find others here dressed nicely.
Will I be asked to give money?
Our services include a time to worship God and support the ministry by giving tithes and offerings. As a guest, please do not feel any pressure to give. Simply fill out your blue attendance card and drop it in the offering plate. Everyone at Harvest fills out a card and our staff take time during the week to pray through the requests on the back of each card.
How can I find out more?
Email welcome@harvestrockhill.org or call the office at (803) 325-1120. We’ll be glad to answer any additional questions you have!