Adult Sunday School Kickoff!

The Adult Sunday School Breakfast Kickoff

The Adult Sunday School Breakfast Kickoff

On Sunday morning, September 4th, the adults of Harvest enjoyed a breakfast fellowship and a short introduction to the classes being offered this quarter. Sunday School begins at 9:45am and you're invited to join us as we learn about the Bible and enjoy great time of fellowship with each other. We begin the new classes this coming week. See below for information about the classes being offered:

Pastor Fant—Intro to Harvest, Kitchen

If you're new at Harvest, join our Intro to Harvest Class meeting in the kitchen. Grab a cup of coffee, sit around the table, and get to know who we are and what we're about.

Larry Doig—The Tribulation (Lecture Class), 301

Larry Doig will be teaching the lecture class this quarter on the time of Tribulation. This class will be meeting in 301 (in the Hansen Building). 

Jeremy Smith and Pastor Marshall—Adult Bible Fellowship (Small Groups), 302-304

Join ABF as we walk through the book of Acts, learning about the early church and the spread of the gospel! You'll be able to get to know others well as you participate in group discussion and pray together each week.

Upcoming Cross Impact Leadership Training Conference and ARCH Conference

Cross Impact Conference (October 18-19)

The Cross Impact Ministries Southeast Regional Training Conference will be held at Harvest Baptist Church in Rock Hill, South Carolina ( on October 18–19 . Cross Impact (CI) will host sessions on starting and maintaining a local church based ministry to the secular college campus. Sessions will cover philosophy of ministry as well as the nuts and bolts of campus work. Those attending the conference will be invited to participate in the CI Campus Bible Study at Winthrop University on Tuesday Evening.


  • Tuesday starting at 8:30am with a focus on Revitalizing Singles Ministry in the local church. Tuesday evening at 8:00pm we will take part in the Winthrop CI Campus Bible Study (meeting on Winthrop Campus in the Student Center).
  • Wednesday (beginning at 9am) will focus on Reaching the Campus  with sessions outlining how the church can do campus ministry. Lunch will be on Winthrop campus in the DiGiorgio Student Center. We will join the Harvest Baptist midweek prayer service Wednesday at 7pm.

Sign up by following this link:

Arch Conference (October 20)

  • 9-9:30am Coffee & Donut fellowship as Pastors arrive.
  • 9:30-9:45am Word of introduction and prayer
  • 9:45-10:30 Devotional One — Integrating Church Discipleship (Dr. Marshall Fant III)
  • 10:30-11 Prayer for church planting in North and South Carolina.
  • 11-11:45 Devotional Two — (Rev. Tim Potter)
  • 11:45-12:15 Prayer for discipleship
  • 12:15-1pm Lunch
  • 1:15-1:45 Strategic Church-Planting Planning Session with Pastors
  • 2pm Dismissal

To register, fill out the form. Registration is $10.

Special Send Off Service

The Wolsieffer Family

On Sunday, July 17, the Harvest Baptist family said a special goodbye to the Wolsieffer family who will be entering full-time ministry assisting domestic church planting. They will be in Round Rock, Texas, working with the Van Delinder family and North Hills Baptist Church

It was also the last service for Ralph and Lynn Siglin, faithful members since 2000, who are moving to Knoxville to be with their children. The church expresses our gratitude for the many ways in which the Siglins upheld the church in prayer, in service, and in discipleship. We wish them the best as they serve the Lord where He has moved them. 

Sunrise Service and Special Resurrection Sunday Schedule

Join the Harvest Family for the annual Sunrise Service on Resurrection Sunday morning at 7AM in the north parking lot. 

Sunday Schedule

Time Event
7:00AM Sunrise Service
8:30AM Breakfast (all are invited)
9:00AM Family Pictures
9:45AM Sunday School
11:00AM Worship Service