Harvest Baptist Church hosts a Marriage & Family Conference
Join us March 18–20, 2022 for our Marriage & Family Conference: “As for Me and My House.”
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Conference Feedback!
Thank you for coming to the Family and Marriage Conference! We hope this has been a fruitful weekend for you. Please fill out the feedback form below* about the Marriage & Family Conference. Any feedback is helpful! If any of your concerns need a follow-up from church staff, please be sure to leave your name and contact information in the form.
*The Feedback Form will begin receiving responses at 7:00pm on Sunday Evening.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What is included?
The cost for the conference includes all handouts and materials for the sessions as well as dinner Friday and brunch Saturday.
What should I bring to the sessions?
Bring your Bible, a notebook, and a pen or pencil.
You may bring an electronic device for note-taking if you prefer.
What is the dress for the sessions?
Dress for Friday and Saturday night will be casual. Dress comfortably!
Dress for Sunday should be suitable for a worship service.
Do I need to be married to come to this conference?
No! We believe that couples pursuing marriage will also benefit from this conference.
Will food be provided?
We are excited to provide a catered dinner on Friday night and a brunch on Saturday morning.
Those with specific food allergies should inform us of their needs in the registration box.
Food will not be provided on Saturday afternoon, evening, or Sunday.
Will you be providing childcare?
Childcare will be provided for our Sunday services.
We are not able to provide any childcare for the sessions on Friday and Saturday.
Do I need to register to attend the sessions on Sunday?
No registration is needed for the Sunday sessions as they will take place in our normal worship services.
The Sunday sessions will be:
1) a combined Adult Sunday School Class
2) a morning message (as part of our morning worship service)
3) an evening message and panel discussion
What if I prefer to attend my home church instead of the conference on Sunday?
We understand that some coming to the conference will be traveling back to worship with their home church instead of attending services with us here at Harvest.
For those unable to be with us on Sunday, we encourage you to request the recordings of the sessions on Sunday so you may listen to them later.
What are your COVID protocols?
We ask those showing flu-like symptoms not to come to the conference.
You will be refunded the cost if you are unable to come due to sickness.
What if I am coming in from out of town?
We are unable to provide housing for your visit.
For a list of good hotels available in the Rock Hill area, call the church office at (803) 325-1120.
Can I get a copy of the audio from the sessions?
All sessions will be recorded and available after the conference.
You will need to contact the church office (email welcome@harvestrockhill.org) for a link to download the audio files.