Sunday School (Adult Bible Fellowship)

Sunday school is a vital part of Harvest family life. It’s a place to study God’s Word and apply His truth to our lives while also getting to know each other better. It’s a place to share burdens with other Christians and see God answer prayer. It’s a place to start feeling like family. Join us this Sunday at 9:45 AM!

College & Career / Cross Impact

Monthly college & career events provide discipleship, fellowship, and opportunities for outreach. Join us for a fun evening of ice skating, a challenging rafting trip, or a laid-back movie night. From playing paintball to working with children or volunteering at a local community outreach, we have an activity for everyone! Our goal is to help young adults experience a personal relationship with Christ and develop relationships with other Christians through the local church. Check the calendar to see upcoming college and career events, subscribe to College & Career email updates, or join us for Sunday School this Sunday at 9:45 AM.

Winthrop Cross Impact Instagram Photos (


Young At Heart

Our senior adults enjoy meeting together each month for food and fellowship. Whether it’s a potluck lunch at Harvest or a meal at a local restaurant, it’s sure to be a fun and encouraging time. To find out the date and location of the next Young at Heart meeting, be sure to subscribe to church emails or give us a call at 803.325.1120.

Harvest Baptist Bible Institute

Our Bible institute classes provide convenient, affordable training in Bible doctrine and practical Christian living. Classes are held on Wednesday evenings during the fall and spring, and may either be audited or taken for credit. Successful completion of 16 courses with a grade of “C” or better is required for graduation.

Current students may find assignments and class recordings by clicking here